Tools and useful links

Discover below reference tools to learn more about solar photovoltaic energy, solar thermal energy, energy efficiency of buildings and more broadly energy.

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Resources 61 to 75 out of a total of 138

Lab Promodul INEF4

Resources center about circular economy, BIM, energy, refurbishment, renewable energies...
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  • Lab Promodul INEF4


    LCOH calculation developed in IEA Task 54
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  • LCoH-Tool

    LE GUIDE UTE C 15-712-1

    Ce guide traite de tous les composants des installations photovoltaïques : modules photovoltaïques, circuit à courant continu, onduleurs, circuits à courant alternatif et raccordement au réseau. La version initiale date de février 2008, et a été rédigée…
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  • Lise PV

    Lise PV is a professional tool for optimizing and standardizing photovoltaic electrical installation studies: cable sizing, single-line diagram, etc. In particular, this software makes it possible to size the direct current part in accordance with the…
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  • Lise PV


    Tool to assess the quantity and quality of natural light, as well as direct solar radiation in a room or premises. Thanks to this assessment inspired by the criteria and principles of the EN 17037 standard, it is thus possible to know whether: • the room…
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  • Lumière+


    Map of large scale solar heat installations (> 100 m² of collectors) on district heating and industry in France.
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  • INES


    Tool for processing monitoring data for air conditioning / heating / solar DHW production
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  • INES


    Map of daily sunshine in France for monitoring, with archives
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  • MétéoCiel


    Non-governmental French think tank involving around twenty experts in energy issues with strong field experience and complementary skills. Its main purpose is to recommend solutions on energy demand and supply to implement an energy transition in France…
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  • Negawatt

    Observatoire RE2020

    The observatory is first and foremost a place to share the public data accumulated by the authorities as part of their mission to monitor implementation of the French "RE 2020" environmental regulations. It is also a forum for analysis and exchange for…
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  • Observatoire RE2020


    Assistance in the pre-sizing of solar thermal installations connected to district heating networks
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  • INES

    Open data ADEME

    French agency ADEME makes its national data available to companies, local authorities, public authorities and the general public to enable them to progress in their environmental approach and to multiply the actions in favor of the Ecological Transition.
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  • Open data ADEME

    Open Data ENEDIS

    Enedis makes its data available on its "Open Data" platform: key figures, concrete use cases, datasets, and interactive visualizations.
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  • Open Data ENEDIS

    Open Sustainable Technology

    A curated list of open technology projects to sustain a stable climate, energy supply, biodiversity and natural resources.
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  • Base de données, Centre de ressources
  • Anglais
  • Fonctionnalités gratuites
  • Open Sustainable Technology

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    Website made with  et  éco-conçu pour diminuer son empreinte environnementale.
    Angle Web, Website eco-design in Savoie