Tools and useful links

Discover below reference tools to learn more about solar photovoltaic energy, solar thermal energy, energy efficiency of buildings and more broadly energy.

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Resources 31 to 45 out of a total of 138

Energie plus

Resource center for buildings Energy, Systems and Envelope
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  • Energie plus


    A tool for estimating, for given energy needs, the annual bills for electricity, gas, fuel oil and wood chips, as well as their evolution over ten years. Enerprix has become a reference tool for energy specifiers.
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  • Enerprix


    Simplified sizing tool for multi-Environment production installations for heating networks, with a particular focus on solar integration.
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  • INES


    Resource center for sustainable construction, renovation, and development
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  • Enviroboite


    Detailed focus on the state of production of a sector (wind, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, small hydro, biogas, solid biomass, biofuel, geothermal and heat pumps) for each EU country: key figures, indicators, technological advances, jobs, details of…
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  • EurObserv'ER

    Evaluer mon devis photovoltaïque

    A free online tool that allows you to compare different methods of recovering photovoltaic electricity, in order to verify the hypotheses of a commercial offer and make an informed choice between sale of all, sale of surplus and self-consumption without…
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  • Evaluer mon devis photovoltaïque


    Economic feasibility calculation tool for solar thermal on heat networks. Created by PlanEnergi.
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  • France solar potential

    Many communities feel the need to have precise data on their territory, in order to be able to plan their actions, in particular through the establishment of PCAET (Climate-Air-Energy Territorial Plan). The France Potentiel Solaire platform meets this…
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  • France solar potential

    French governmental statistics

    The statistics, data, key figures, and indicators produced by the statistical department of the ministry contribute to informing citizens on issues related to the environment, climate, energy, transportation, sustainable development, housing, and…
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  • French governmental statistics

    French national observatory of energy performance contracts

    Launched in 2016 by ADEME, Cerema and CSTB, the French National Observatory of Energy Performance Contracts (ONCPE) aims to list energy renovation projects for buildings carried out with the CPE, to offer feedback and to promote the development of a…
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  • French national observatory of energy performance contracts

    French renewable energy cartographic portal

    This portal is a mapping system that makes it possible to visualize and analyze the various territorial issues to be taken into account in the development of renewable energies. It will support municipalities in identifying areas potentially conducive to…
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  • French renewable energy cartographic portal

    Reference site in France published by ADEME and BRGM on surface geothermal solutions
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    Website made with  et  éco-conçu pour diminuer son empreinte environnementale.
    Angle Web, Website eco-design in Savoie