Training the next generation of solar experts- GoPV Summer School

Training and expertise
Published on 06/27/2022

In the framework of the European project GOPV, INES -French National Institute of Solar Energy- and the consortium partners organized a 3-day summer school on “State-of-the-art PV systems technologies and design”.

This event took place last June 21st 22nd 23rd, 2022 at Catania University (co-organizer of the event).

  • 31 participants from 8 different countries
  • 3 days of Summer School
  • 2 intensive technical training at Catania University
  • 1 day of visit of ENEL Hub & Lab at Passo Martino
  • All value chain of state-of-the-art solar PV systems have been tackled: from cells to module, inverters, trackers, design and performance analysis, economics and LCOE, environmental analysis and LCA
  • All lectures done by european expert giving some example or case study linked with GOPV projects and demonstrator

A warm thanks to the partners, and participants!

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