STEADYSUN, a CEA partner in INES since its creation in 2013 and an associate partner of the Institute for Energy Transition INES.2S since its creation, has just joined the ITE consortium.

STEADYSUN new member of the ITE INES.2S consortium
For Caroline DEFOREIT, President of STEADYSUN, "joining the ITE governance group is a great opportunity for a startup like ours, which will have a lot to learn alongside large companies or more mature companies such as the RENAULT group, COLAS, CNR and 2CA. INES.2S also allows us to establish privileged links with the other members and to grow in a collaborative spirit. We will be able to contribute our complementary know-how.

STEADYSUN's activity was born from the development of solar energy. Indeed, most renewable energies are variable. Wind energy depends on the wind, water turbines depend on currents, and solar energy depends on clouds.
Photovoltaic energy, which is growing exponentially, is now the most widely installed source of electricity in the world. Knowing how to predict its production, in order to better manage electricity networks and optimize its consumption or storage at the right time, has become a key element for many energy players.

The startup Steadysun, which was spin-off from the CEA laboratories at INES, specializes in forecasting solar energy production.
Its services meet three market needs:
- Forecasting a few days in advance, to be able to give production plans. Regulation can apply penalties if the solar energy provider deviates from the forecasted plan.
- Forecast for the current day, to be able to anticipate additional production or storage, or to refine the production plan and avoid penalties.
- Forecast in the very short term, a few minutes, and control additional production or storage resources in real time.
The challenge is all the greater when the impact of solar energy is potentially significant on the grid where it is connected. This is the case, for example, when the power plants are very large, in regions where the proportion of solar energy in the networks is high (island networks, for example), or if the network overflow is low (case of micro-grids).
The young innovative company is growing steadily and serves a panel of major players in the energy world throughout the world (ENGIE, EDF, Total, ABB, DEWA, etc.).
Frédéric STORCK, President of INES.2S and Director of Innovation and Energy Transition at CNR, as well as all the members of the Strategic Steering Committee, are delighted that Steadysun has joined the governance of the ITE.
Find out more about STEADYSUN
Follow the linkFind out more about INES.2S
The Institutes for Energy Transition (ITE) are interdisciplinary platforms in the field of decarbonized energies, bringing together the skills of industry and public research in a logic of public-private co-investment and close collaboration between all the players", to strengthen the industrial sector.
Since 2019, ITE INES.2S has been recognized as an Institute for Energy Transition (ITE) and has received support from the French government under the Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir. It aims to open up the economic opportunities generated by the development of solar energy to French industry, with one objective: to promote the massive integration of photovoltaic energy and thus contribute to the energy transition:
- Developing solar technologies adapted to the constraints of their destination/use,
- Their electrical and digital implementation in systems and networks in the most optimized way,
- With constant attention to their durability, reliability and economic viability in order to ensure their bankability,
- Sharing knowledge sharing and training.
Already some fifty associated companies benefit from the institute's research and development work.
Based on the commitment of seven member partners, INES.2S brings together in a consortium the major industrial players in the sector, namely CNR, COLAS, RENAULT and the SME 2CA, the INES PFE training platform, the University of Savoie Mont-Blanc, and the CEA.
The members voted unanimously at the end of 2021 to add two new members to the consortium: DELTA DORE and STEADYSUN.