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Crédits : Photo de Cottonbro - Pexels

Retaining time or how to double the lifetime of electricity storage systems

[ ITE INES.2S – Scientific result ]

Research and innovation
Published on 06/17/2021

The Institute for Energy Transition INES.2S is developing methodologies and tools for optimal management of stationary storage systems. Based on the results of tests on several battery technologies (nearly 500 references), our laboratories are developing, among other things, advanced technologies to evaluate battery status indicators (charge, health, etc.) in order to optimize their management and improve performance and life time.

Lithium ion batteries currently offer the highest energy density. This makes them the technology of choice for powering many applications (electric vehicles, electricity storage for networks, etc.). However, these batteries are subject to performance degradation - particularly in terms of capacity and resistance - over time, even during periods of non-operation. The performance of batteries can be determined using indicators such as SOH (State Of Health).

Among approaches currently developed, the scientific and industrial community is seeking to develop the best management strategies, taking into account the degradation of the battery's life that it induces.

Note that the initial dimensioning of a storage system is done in such a way as to ensure the service requirements of each application, even after a certain number of years of use. It therefore takes into account an ageing factor for a given lifetime. In most cases, the battery is thus oversized in relation to the energy requirement.

In most cases, and without optimized battery management, the battery is permanently brought back to full charge after use, i.e. it operates at a high state of charge. It is known that this results in premature ageing, and therefore in an increased loss of battery capacity.

Our researchers have developed a method for taking into account the state of health of a battery in the management of the maximum charge limit, in order to set up an optimal management system that ensures the service provided by the battery, while minimizing its degradation. This optimized management allows the battery to maintain the expected service and extend its life drastically (almost doubling).

Credits: Nile - Pixabay

This patented management method needs to be tested on a real system in order to verify its robustness.

Launched in 2019, INES.2S is an energy transition institute (ITE). Carried by the CEA at INES, its mission is to develop in France an industrial sector of the integration of photovoltaic solar energy, in support of the law of Multiannual Programming of Energy.  The ITE INES.2S is co-financed by the French government under the Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir (ANR-10-IEED-0014-01).

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