Free On-site training for CSP industries on Testing the durability of solar materials and systems

Training and expertise
Published on 03/11/2022

FREE training on CST materials and systems within the SFERA-III project!

The partners of the SFERA-III project are pleased to invite you to the 3rd "training for industry" whose theme is the durability of materials for concentrated solar thermal technologies.

Free training, organized by CEA Liten, INES and DLR

Meet at INES in Le Bourget-du-Lac, FRANCE from June 8 to 10, 2022.

Intended for engineers, researchers and representatives of European CSP and SHIP industry and companies.

The SFERA-III training courses for professionals focus on the main concentrating solar thermal technologies and aim at facilitating communication between European researchers and industry as well as improving the transfer of know-how and innovations.

Participants will be trained on a leading European research infrastructure by expert researchers in the field.

Location:  CEA-INES Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, 50 avenue du lac Léman, 73375 Le Bourget-du-Lac, FRANCE

Date:  8th –10th June 2022

Target group:  The course is designed for engineers, researchers and representatives from European CSP industry and companies

Course Language: English

Trainers:  Scientists and Specialists from CEA & DLR

Objective: This course focuses on testing the durability of solar materials and systems. The training consists of both theoretical and practical modules.

The training will include visits, procedures, standards and best practices theoretical and experimental ‘hands-on’ experiences, Knowledge-Transfer and Networking and cover the following topics:

  • Indoor laboratory and outdoor aging facilities
  • Accelerated ageing of components and systems subjected to high solar flux, thermal, humidity and corrosive environments
  • Optical and mechanical characterizations
  • Accelerated aging test modeling durability method
  • Practical test cases

Application:  The registration deadline is April 15th, 2022. Class size is limited to 10 participants. Eligible candidates will be informed until April 30th, 2022. Standard health and safety measures defined by CEA for visitors and meetings will apply (details to be given prior to the meeting depending on latest development of the covid-19 pandemic). These will include national ID card or passport, vaccine pass, or test certificate, social distance, face mask and disinfection of hands and surfaces.

Fees: No course fee is applicable. Accommodation and travel costs shall be covered by the participant. Lunch is offered by CEA.

Contact:  Estelle Le Baron (CEA), Tel.: +33 479 792 019, E-mail:

Participation: To apply, please fill out the Application Form (Link) and send it to:

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