INES.2S - French Institute of Energy Transition

INES.2S, launched in 2019, is an energy transition institute (ITE).

Carried by the CEA, its mission is to develop in France an industrial sector of the integration of photovoltaic solar energy, in support of the law of Multiannual Programming of Energy.

FIT book 2023 - 15 instituts, 30 success stories

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INES.2S partners

Les membres et associés

84 industriels bénéficient des actifs d’INES.2S (à novembre 2024)

Governance of INES.2S

It is organized around a strategic steering committee, predominantly private, and a scientific council of international members.

The governance

More about the Energy Transition Institutes

INES.2S is recognized by the French government as an Institute for Energy Transition (ITE) and receives support from the French government under the Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir (ANR-10-IEED-0014-01).

The Institutes for Energy Transition (ITE) are interdisciplinary platforms in the field of decarbonated energies, bringing together the skills of industry and public research in a logic of public-private co-investment and strong collaboration between all stakeholders", to strengthen the ecosystems of the industrial sector.

French Institutes of Technology (FIT).

Today, there are 8 ITEs and 8 Technological Research Institutes (IRTs) in France with similar operations.

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