Eco-design via LCA: The key toward sustainable Tandem Perovskite Technologies

  • Chambéry, France
  • At 10/10/2024
  • from €50.00


Adopting an eco-design approach to the technology development has become one of the pillars of R&D activities in the photovoltaic field. Eco-design is an overall approach that aims to reduce a product’s environmental impact throughout its life cycle. 

The eco-design from the early design process may be governed by the 3Rs, namely Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle and be driven by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), known as the most reliable tool today.

However, LCA is still an excellent tool but it is highly dependent on the scope of the study, data quality and analysis method. It is therefore mandatory that the PV community develop a new and common approach to evaluate and compare the environmental impact for emerging technologies to anticipate environmental issues and guide technological choices from the early design process. This approach needs to be beyond the carbon footprint and to include all the lifecycle stages and all the environmental criteria (resources depletion, recyclability …) in the decision-making.

The European project SUPERTANDEM is organizing a workshop to discuss the eco-design approaches adopted for the all tandem perovskite technologies and propose a harmonization between and common approach for this emerging technology.  The event will present an overview of the European projects conducting an eco-design approach for tandem PV technology.

During a roundtable discussion, experts will discuss together with policy makers the harmonization of the approach develop a new and common approach to assess the design and recycling of tandem perovskite technology.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101075605 (project SUPERTANDEM).

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