Crédits : Guerrini

About INES

World leader in solar technologies

A French national institute for solar energy

INES is a world leader in R&D, expertise and training for advanced photovoltaic solar technologies, their integration into electrical systems and intelligent energy management. Our people and partners are redesigning the future for the energy transition.

INES environment

INES eco-system

INES is in the heart of the European solar ecosystem and energy transition.

  • Academics, Universities
  • Research Organizations
  • Energy and building professionals
  • Trade unions and professional federations
  • ITEs and competitiveness clusters
  • Networks of experts, national and international stakeholders
  • State and Communities
  • The European Commission
  • Manufacturers, key account

The Institute for Energy Transition INES.2S was certified by the French government in 2019 and brings together activities dedicated to the integration of solar energy.

More information about the IET INES.2S

CERTISOLIS: the testing laboratory and independent third-party certification center for photovoltaic modules in France. In particular, it carries out qualification tests on photovoltaic panels and certifies their performance according to international standards.

Credits: Marina Ferrari

The roots of INES

The INES is a collective and collaborative initiative, born from the determination of public and private stakeholders.

CEA, a major player in research, development and innovation.

A major player in research, development and innovation, the CEA (19,925 employees) is active in leading sectors such as national defense and security, nuclear and renewable energies, biotechnological and medical research, and technological research for industry.

It is the leading French research organization in terms of the number of published patent applications, and is also the leading French applicant on the European scene according to the European Patent Office.

The CEA's LITEN institute (1000 employees), dedicated to renewable energy technologies, storage and energy efficiency, has been the pilot of INES' research, development and innovation activities since its creation in 2005.

USMB | Laboratoire LOCIE | CNRS

The University of Savoie Mont Blanc has been a major player at INES since its creation with the installation of the LOCIE, a laboratory specializing in buildings, within the institute and by the development of initial training courses provided by the IUT Civil Engineering Chambéry and Polytech Annecy-Chambéry.

The University of Savoie Mont Blanc combines proximity to its territories and a wide opening to Europe and the world. 
Its researchers are strongly involved in a number of fields that assist territorial dynamics: the mountain, mechatronics, the organization, tourism, image and energy sectors.

INES Plateforme Formation Évaluation

INES Plateforme Formation & Evaluation aims to promote solar energy in France and internationally, in particular by implementing information, training and evaluation actions.

The association's thirty or so employees work every day to contribute to solar radiation.


Key dates

The INES values

Our initiatives that are flourishing on the INES site reflect our values and commitments to environmental protection.

An eco-designed website

Hosted ecologically and without cookies! INES is committed to reducing its digital environmental footprint and respecting your data.

Index B of the EcoIndex
digital sobriety: Angle web 
Editorial sobriety: Cyclop Éditorial
Ecological lodging: nfomaniak (certified by the MyClimate organization)
Neither cookies nor tracers (use of - Matomo, a statistical tracking solution that respects user data (very limited tracking).

Internal associations

AP'INES is the association of learners of the INES. In addition to facilitating and animating the life of its community, the association participates in scientific popularization actions and humanitarian missions (Electriciens sans Frontières). In partnership with AITAP

ACT'INES - Association dedicated to the cultural and sports activities of the employees working on the INES site (social facilities and provision of premises). Contact

Zero Waste

The Zero Waste Challenge approach set up within the INES Training and Evaluation team (recycling of consumables, dematerialization, composting, etc.).

Providing a "Soleil Vert" composter.

The CEA at INES promotes gentle and less polluting travel.

It participates in public transportation passes, promoting carpooling and car-sharing solutions.

It supports bicycle use by distributing safety kits and organizing a free bicycle maintenance service for its staff. A fleet of cars and electric bicycles is available for occasional business trips.

INES Plateforme Formation & Evaluation encourage son personnel et ses stagiaires en formation sur site à privilégier la mobilité douce, les solutions d’hébergement durable et une restauration responsable, contribuant ainsi à ses engagements en matière de RSE.

The INES "HELIOS" positive energy building

Annual consumption less than 27 kwh/m²/year

Use of solar energy to cover at least 40% of the needs.

Website made with  et  éco-conçu pour diminuer son empreinte environnementale.
Angle Web, Website eco-design in Savoie